Jon D Inman is a serious paranormal investigator and presents a regular paranormal program on Yorkshire Coast Radio as well as writing for various magazines.

He is always interested in peoples experiences with the unknown and would like to hear from anyone who has had experiences with the paranormal.

Jon Can be reached at the current address

Contact: Jon Inman, 43 Manor Drive,

Pickering, Scarborough.

North Yorkshire, YO18 8DS.

England (UK)




Comments Updated: Tue October 21, 2003

Jon's new book is due out soon, but you know writers always changing and re-writing things, Jon tells me it should not be much longer now? anyway click here for extracts to his new Paper Back as soon as this book materialises in the shops you will be the first to know. Why not give Jon a ring and ask him about his book on: +44 (0)1751 475293
After Hours +44 (0)1751 472108
some extracts will be published here.

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