Light Green Area's Have
been Fixed (Dark Green means
Verified 2x)
Pink Area's are due for
Blue area's are in progress
Yellow Area means pages
are due to be checked again!
Note: Copy 1 area at a time into session file for sequential
link checking!
Most of the URL Names are associated affiliate pages linking
to those Merchant Names.
Thursday, August 16, 2012 10:37 AM
To see what pages I am currently working on see below.
OK there may be some merchant links that have since ceased the merchant
affiliated program, with these the links are still active, but they serve
up generic error pages and not the 404 type. If you find some please please
let me know, they are a real pain to find.
I know a lot of web sites will put the best stuff near the
top of the page, but this is a site maintenance page and is alphabetically
divided, including directory structures. This way it helps me to navigate
more effectively, so don't be surprised that some of the good stuff is near
the bottom. For example Jon D Inman's Book section!
Items marked in red need updating
Root Area
- amazonuk
(Waterstones UK Book Shop is now a part of the
Amazon Chain)
(Updated a little)
- (Needs
a face lift, but not urgent)
- amazon (Carries
some good content, still needs something, maybe thinning out)
- bookmark (If you
want to keep tabs on me)
- bully-pop-up
(Ways to tackle thuggery)
- amazon
- current-offers
- amazon (Amazon
UK) (Due for full overhaul)
- books-uk
(Amazon UK) N/A products deleted!
Root Area
- bully-help-advice-line
(Comments on tackling thuggery)
- contacts (Self
- counterpage (Search
the Web)
- Drop-down-menu
- java (
Links have been cleaned a bit ) 28/11/03
- amazon-2
- amazon-com-books-music
- books
- children
- fantasy (Books
that never go out of date, all time classics)
- health-diet
(Self explanatory, slimming and health Products)
- health-fitness
(Old Enews Stand Due for deletion)
- kids Seasonal
Goodwill Page Links Verified 28/11/03
- networkprotocol
(Still valid, but Needs fresh product line)
Root Area
- e-software (Virtual
Store for Software)
- feedback (Your
Only chance to put your views across)
- heartpoems (Some
Poetry, send me yours too)
- (Due
for Deletion, or fresh content)
- star-trek
(I love Star-trek who doesn't)?
Root Area
- index (The
old will go out with the new)
- letemknow (Recommend
a friend)
- letemknow-professional
(Recommend lots)
- listbot I
am not so sure what these are supposed to do,
- linkopp
I mean I put them up and nothing happens?
- lowcostbooks
Everyone says that I know ;o) But for $5.00
- aboutus (All
about my problems)
- amazon-iframes-1
I don't like Iframes, they never seem to serve up the content
you actually want? Its always some generic stuff, I have lost
faith in them and prefer real solid content like links and pictures,
I mean you can't write about whats in an Iframe and know for
certain its going to display what you are talking about can
you? Still you never know...
Root Area
- netscape As
I can't use netscape, I had originally tried to make a generic
index for netscape users, but I am not sure it is relevant so
much now? Anyway I am using some new software for the main part
of site creation now so might do one for netscape users using
- outofprint (Books
hard to find, some links fixed)
- overture-search-engine
A little search window
- News-Flash-Electrical-Equipment
(Due for deletion)
- sales Well
Clarity Hi-Fi was my Physical Business name, that was before
the Internet, since then I no longer do electronic work for
people, even though I am an experienced engineer by trade. But
the old eye sight is not so good for looking at titsy little
things now you know.
- Sopias-story
Bully Victim - Story
- index My
Temp area, while fixing my site, but it looks like sticking
a while longer its ok has some unique stuff in there.
- media-non-media-sales
As at 1
- menu As at 1 -2
- our-merchant-products
As at 1,2,3
- mornguid1
A Dam good read as Jon would say!, all written
- mornguid2
a friend who writes novels and stuff, last I
heard he
- mornguid3
was going into hospital with liver cirrhosis
I hope
- mornguid4
He's pulling through?
- reviews All
about our Jon
Root Area
- subscribe
- strange
- thanks
- knowledgeboard_2
All this about Jon D. Inmans Work
- iamifeel
all the way down to AKA Jon (See Bottom)
- ouija its
all very interesting.
- ouijaboard
- redlionhaunt
- epilog
- iamifeel
- index
- ouijaboard_2
- ouijaboard_3
Root Area
- pickeringazzette_6
- redlionhaunt_2
- redlionhaunt_3
- redlionhaunt_4
- redlionhaunt_5
- mornguid -
- postcript
- ouija
- aka_jon
(End of Jon D. Inman Section)
- (Shopping
Mall Area)
- (Obsolete CD Now Channel)