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Our night out at the Southland's Hotel, enabled me to meet up with some new comers, here on the left is Jenny, but then again I too am a relative newcomer also.

We all endured lengthy discussions on the scenario’s involved that bring us constant heartache in the real world. Because although we are finally starting to fully understand the nature of what it is to be gender dysphoric, sadly the world at large lags far behind, but alas it slowly catches up with us. After reading many of the posts and just to summarise what I learnt about my problems I will endeavour to clarify these issues by talking about my own experiences and providing a simple definition below plus on the next few pages also.

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Some time ago, I was a member of a USA based support group until for some reason unknown to me it disappeared during a period of my absence also. The group was run by Roberta Angela Dee, it was called TG-Women, and it was based on Yahoo Groups. I am very sad that the group has gone and now know that Roberta who was a Trans gendered lady like myself. As she suffered a heart attack shortly before my misfortune (My Divorce) has since passed away, and is no longer with us. It seems many of us are on an uncertain path, and life can be so cruel sometimes, I recently decided to start a group of my own please see here for more details.

Firstly I would just like to say a few words about our gatherings, the photo’s opposite were taken at the annual gathering of all Trans gendered men and women. This event was the Miss Fantasy Competition which was hosted at the Southlands Hotel in Scarborough.

Some Graphics and Images provided courtesy of Brenda, Pat, Jenny, and Jacky